Stadsplattegrond Shanghai & China zuidoost | ITMB


Goede stadsplattegrond van Shanghai. Met register en suburban treinsysteem. De echte buitenwijken van deze megastad staan er niet op. daarnaast een overzichtskaart van zuidoost China.

This updated map of rapidly-changing Shanghai has been enhanced in this edition by being printed on ITM waterproof plastic paper and by the addition of a separate map on the reverse side of all of South East China. The regional map covers from Nanning to Beijing, so perhaps covers a wider area than just Fujian and Guangdong provinces, but this is a much more detailed map than anything we have attempted before, and is an excellent aid to anyone based in Shanghai and thinking of travelling to Xi’an, or Guilin, as well as closer destinations. The Shanghai side has been updated with the latest road and subway additions including, for the first time on any map, the route of the new MAGLEV line being built through the southern part of the city. Double-sided, on ITM plastic,

Legend Includes:
Roads/highways, public transportation, points of interest, accommodation, temples, information, and other attractions.

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